"Meditation is an adventure, the greatest adventure the human mind can undertake. Meditation is just to be, not doing anything--no action, no thought, no emotion. You just are and it is sheer delight. From where does this delight come when you are not doing anything? It comes from nowhere, or it comes from everywhere. It is uncaused. Existence is made of the stuff called joy." - Osho






Osho Meditations: This is a partial list of meditations offered

    • Dynamic Meditation - Recommended to be done in the morning, this hour-long method is a powerful way to kick-start your day .This meditation involves movement & dancing.
    • Vipassana Meditation - This is the silent meditation that Gautama the Buddha gave to his disciples; simply sitting and watching the breath go in and out.
    • Chakra-Breathing Meditation -A powerful meditation to move up through the 7 chakras.
    • No-Dimension Meditation - This is a powerful method for centering one's energy in the hara - the area just below the navel. It is based on a Sufi technique of movements for awareness and integration of the body.
    • Nadabrahma Meditation -A sitting method, that is one-hour long, in which humming and hand movements create an inner balance, a harmony between mind and body.
    • Mystic Rose Meditation - offered in Poona as a 3 week mediation in 3 stages.
    • Kundalini Meditation - Four stages of fifteen minutes each this method is a gentle yet effective way to release all the accumulated stress of your day.Kundalini acts like an energetic shower, softly shaking you free of your day and leaving you refreshed and mellow.
    • White-Robe Meditation - tdone at 7PM. First part is dancing; the 2nd silent sitting.


This a a link to the meditation resort in Poona, India